Our Story
Crafting has always been a good part of my life. As a little girl I would sit at my mom’s side watching her sew clothes for my family as well as curtains and decor for our home. One day I decided it was “my turn” and helped myself to little scraps of fabric and made my own Barbie clothes and furnishings for my Barbie townhouse. By the age of 16 I had my first “in home” craft show and actually sold items I made! This went on and off for many years. 17 years ago, my husband and I bought a 9 acre hobby farm we call “Cozy Acres.” It wasn’t long after that I bought my first 4 Shetland sheep, which now has expanded to a 35 sheep herd, alongside of them are 5 Pygora goats, and 50 English and Satin Angora rabbits (which explains the reason why we had to buy the land adjacent to our property, LOL!) I’m currently learning to wash and process my own farm raised wool, instead of sending it off to a mill. I love the process of taking the wool from my fiber animals and being able to create handmade items. I’ve been needle felting, hand-dyeing wool yarn and spinning my own yarn for several years now. I have a 250 needle felting machine that I can felt rugs, wall hangings and other felted gifts on.
All our animals are lovingly cared for and treated as family. They all have names (some even have middle names!) and we refer to them as our “woolie friends.”